Social Distancing - Cloudy Horizons
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By Lindsey Janies Photography

I kinda love this title.  Cloudy Horizons are across the country and world right now.  Continuing a theme of my favorite cloudy views from my camera.



A few favorites from a trip down to Key West in 2018.  These, however, are from an afternoon in a rental car (turned out it wasn't the best day for a gorgeous mustang convertible).  We spent the day driving from one end of the keys to the other and back.  This afternoon storm and the few images I captured on this one afternoon have stayed a personal favorite to view.  There's such a calm in the observation of the weather in photographs.

She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails.

- Elizabeth Edwards

The silence after rain... how quickly the sky pulls herself together.

- Unknown

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